If the past is remote,
the future is in the here and now

Yooda connects people by allowing them to work at their best, from any place and at any time

It’s good to see you!
This is where your journey to becoming part of the future will begin.

Digital ecosystems are interconnected and secure environments, which create value by sharing human data and experiences. Are you coming with us?


A necessary evolution

Digital transformation is not a choice for companies, but a true necessity required by the evolution of markets and jobs. Adopting a digital workplace today means flourishing tomorrow.


The value of people

Today, more than ever, people are an integral part of corporate strategy. The levels of productivity and credibility of any company are directly linked to the value and quality of the Employee Experience.


Creating experiences

To stand out in the new digital ecosystems, the ability to create improved user experiences for customers and employees is essential. This is possible today thanks to the digitization of business processes.

What can we do together?

Ready to connect?

Here at Yooda we are looking forward to meeting you and making you discover how Digital Transformation will make your company unique.

Start today

Move to Azure

In Azure you will find your new datacenter. One that's always available, always reliable and super-scalable.

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Discover 365

Let's go on this journey, to the best 365 solutions for your business needs, together. Are we leaving?

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Collaborate, talk and meet. The Yooda experience gives a new perspective to your team.

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We put all our knowledge at your disposal to create a dynamic and inclusive reality.

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Identity Protection

Work anywhere and have your identity protected: with our services your business is flexible and safe.

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Protect Data

Are you aware of all of the data you keep on company servers? Discover it, classify it and protect it all with Yooda.

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Power Platform

With Power Platform the world of apps is right at your fingertips: let's start developing your project!

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What's going on in the world?

Emanuele Satta

Teams Simultaneuos Ringing?

Cambiare sistema telefonico è sempre oneroso, anche quando si hanno pochi utenti. A maggior ragione questo è vero quando si pensa l’adozione di Teams. Se si è abituati ad usare il telefono fisico, può risultare difficile il passaggio alla gestione delle telefonate tramite client software. Per questo motivo, molti clienti richiedono una funzionalità chiamata Teams […]

Francesco Fois

Copilot for Security

Copilot for Security vuole rispondere alle principali sfide di sicurezza che oggi le organizzazioni devono affrontare includono: Le organizzazioni devono agire rapidamente per affrontare tutte le sfide alla sicurezza che devono affrontare, ma lavorare alla velocità umana non è sufficiente. Le organizzazioni devono lavorare alla “velocità della macchina”. Microsoft Copilot for Security è uno strumento […]

Pacho Baratta

Cos’è DAAS e perché scegliere Windows 365

Nel mondo odierno, sempre più dinamico e interconnesso, le aziende si stanno evolvendo verso modelli di lavoro ibridi o anche completamente remoti. Garantire ai dipendenti un accesso sicuro e affidabile ad applicazioni e dati aziendali da qualsiasi dispositivo diventa quindi fondamentale. Una delle soluzioni più innovative in questo senso è il Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS), un servizio […]

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